Book Study- The Book of Mysteries
Wed, Oct 05
|Book Study- The Book of Mysteries
Travel through the hidden mysteries, revelations, secrets of the ages, and answers to humanity's most enduring questions!

Time & Location
Oct 05, 2022, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Book Study- The Book of Mysteries
About the event
Let’s Begin the journey to unlock the treasure, open the mysteries and change your life! We will explore the Book of Mysteries by Jonthan Cahn. We will explore the Daily Devotional every Wednesday morning and discuss the prior weeks mysteries. Grab your coffee for an open and inspirational talk about that day's Devotional.
A time to explore a daily devotional to experience the teaching, the mystery, and the mission of how to use what we have learned in our lives.
The mission for this study group is best described in the Day 1 Mystery
"Today, open your mind, your heart, and your life to that which is greater than yourself!"
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Passcode: 23601
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