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A Place To Learn, To Laugh and To Experience

Home: Welcome


Spiritual Healer, Intuitive, Medium and Psychic, Teacher

And Minister for The Metaphysical Chapel of Life

Hi! I am Jenny Seeley, Owner and Operator of Jenny's Place.  Started in 2019 as a place to Learn the different modalities on a spiritual level.  A place to Laugh and have a little fun while navigating this Spiritual Awakening or thing we call "Life".  And finally a place to Experience something that you have never tried before- to grow with others and to be part of the experience with NO JUDGEMENT for where any of us are on this journey. 
Working with "The Collective" everyone who enters this space has learned to grow in our connection as:
Divinely Unique and Divinely Unified 





Divinely Unified, merged with Jenny's Place

for a more unified experience to:

Unify in 1 Peace!

Come and Join us and See what is in store for you-

if anything the experience will be one to remember!

Rev. Jenny Seeley

See Where It All started at 
My Spirit Connection

As you look through our services that we offer- please do not let the price be a deterrent! 
We may be able to offer options with a "Pay It Forward" Approach.

Divinely Unified Serving Two Locations

@ Jenny's Place VA 1224 Davis Ave, Chesapeake, VA 23325

@A Sacred Place 3108 Tyre Neck Road, Unit C, Portsmouth, VA 23703

      Jenny Seeley  Spiritual Intuitive Healer, Trance Medium                                  Laurie Seeley, Shamanic Practitioner

                (757) 955-0477  Cell Phone                                                                           (757) 955-0478 Cell Phone

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